Posted in Pictures, Random babblings, update

My Mail-Ordered Boyfriend

You read that right. I’ve got a mail-ordered boyfriend. I’m not even pulling your leg…well, mostly.  (“You’ve got to be pulling on my leg” – said in Gru’s voice from Despicable Me)

So you want the story, don’t you? Well, the first time we ‘met’ was in the movies. The Lego Movie to be precise. We didn’t get to talk though. But then, I saw this guy later at Barnes and Noble – perfect place to fall in love, no? But all we could do was gaze at each other and move on with our lives. Then…oh goody-goody. I was able to find him again, in the form of a mail-ordered boyfriend. He came the other week and it has been glorious ever since. He and I really are smitten. We like to hold hands a lot. He often says, “Let’s hold hands, Babe”.

Do you want to see us together? Sure you do!



:D Yes, that’s right. My mail-ordered boyfriend is Batman, specifically from the Lego Movie. Since Wildstyle has Emmet…well, Batman and I are now able to be together.

(I should also say, I do not watch the regular Batman movies, or read the comics, or really have much to do with any DC/Marvel stuff. Just this Batman)

So yes, we are quite happy. We even like to dress alike, if you can’t tell from the above photo, here’s a better one:


And though you can’t tell, this shirt actually has a real cape on the back. It’s pretty cool. :D

And now you know my current boyfriend. :)

Posted in Books


Today is just one post of a several where I shall be talking about the book, “Miriam” by Mesu Andrews. :)

Have you heard of this book yet? It looks beautiful! And I’m looking forward to reading it. I should be getting my ARC (advanced readers copy) soon and I keep checking the mailbox expectantly every day!

You wanna hear about the book now? Here’s the cover:




It follows after the book “The Pharaoh’s Daughter” (you can read my review of that one here).

“Miriam” shall release March 15th, 2016

About the Book:

The Hebrews call me prophetess, the Egyptians a seer.
But I am neither. I am simply a watcher of Israel
and the messenger of El Shaddai.
When He speaks to me in dreams, I interpret. When He whispers a melody, I sing.

At eighty-six, Miriam had devoted her entire life to loving El Shaddai and serving His people as both midwife and messenger. Yet when her brother Moses returns to Egypt from exile, he brings a disruptive message. God has a new name – Yahweh – and has declared a radical deliverance for the Israelites.

Miriam and her beloved family face an impossible choice: cling to familiar bondage or embrace uncharted freedom at an unimaginable cost. Even if the Hebrews survive the plagues set to turn the Nile to blood and unleash a maelstrom of frogs and locusts, can they weather the resulting fury of the Pharaoh?

Enter an exotic land where a cruel Pharaoh reigns, pagan priests wield black arts, and the Israelites cry out to a God they only think they know. – See more at WaterBrook Multnomah


As I said, I’m looking forward to it!

Posted in blog tour, Books

Book It!

Annnd we’re back to books! :D  The next couple weeks *might* have several posts which would be an interesting change, no? ;)

Today I am sharing about a very soon-to-be-released book, with a character-encounter and facebook party! Hopefully all should enjoy. The book is a really fun one – if you have read and enjoyed Lord of the Rings or Narnia before, this book is definitely for you. My review for this book shall be posted on February first, and then you shall hear more about it. :) But for now….

The Tethered World by Heather FitzGerald! I just love that cover. The book is available for pre order right now: The Tethered World. Interested in what it might be about? Well, here’s a description:

“Normal” means different things to different people. For sixteen-year-old Sadie Larcen, family dynamics look a little different than most. Parents with oddball occupations? Normal. Five home-schooled siblings-one with autism? Normal. Police knocking on the door and parents gone missing? Definitely not normal! When Sadie uncovers the reasons behind her parents’ disappearance and the truth about her heritage, she despairs of ever feeling normal again. Especially when she learns that her mother’s interest in Bigfoot, Dwarves, and other lore extends beyond her popular blog. Sadie’s family has been entrusted with keeping the secrets of the Tethered World-home to creatures that once roamed the Garden of Eden. Sadie and her siblings must venture into this land to rescue their parents. Stepping out of reality and into a world she never knew existed is a journey Sadie fears and resents. But she chooses to risk all to save her family. She’s just not sure she will survive during the process.

Sounds rather exciting, doesn’t it?

Also, if you have facebook, please consider joining the party on February First.

Join us HERE on Feb. 1st, 7-9pm CST for a virtual Facebook party.
This FB page is the official place for Fantasy Fun! Including door prizes, trivia, and BIGFOOT sightings. Oh, and a Kindle giveaway!


So, lots of fun planned! And here’s two of the characters from the book:


Brady and Brock. They’re identical twins (as you can see). Brock is Autistic, however, and has a special role to play in the Tethered World because of it.


I can testify that they are both great characters – very enjoyable!


That’s all for today, but remember to mark your calendars for that party and maybe pre-order the book!


Posted in Random babblings, Writing

Just a Life Post


I am attempting a post that is actually not related to book reviews. Is that…is that possible for me at this point? ;) I know that’s what some must be wondering, and I can say I may join that thought! ^.^

Once upon a time, I started this blog just as a life-blog. It was just a place to share my thoughts (which, at about 13 I apparently thought I had a lot to say!), a place to have fun. Somewhere between then and now, the blog has slowly (or not so slowly…) turned into a book-review blog. I cannot lie: I adore books. That is absolutely the majority of what I will always blog about, God-willing. Books are apart of me. To paraphrase a quote from LarkRise to Candleford: “If they cut you open, they would find ‘books’ written through and through”. :D

Sad as it might be, whenever I sit down to try to write a post that is not book-related, I stare blankly for a time…what else is there for me to write about? ;) As you can see, here I am trying to write a ‘normal’ post, and I’ve already mentioned the subject of books…about seven times! Ah well, I suppose we shall all just have to accept the fact that God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae is primarily a Book Blog. :)

As for life…I shall try to salvage what I can of this post and share something other than books…except life has been a bit about books. I’ve been reading, but actually not quite as often the past couple days because we’ve been busy. We also came down with the nasty cold – we’re finally getting over it, but “oh how it lingers!” (quote from Wives and Daughters).

I’ve been writing a couple letters here and there as I have time, and recently I finished writing a short-story (around 5,000 words) for a contest I referenced here a bit ago (This post), which was fun and also a relief. The ‘deadline’ is February First, and so I must hurry to get it read through one last time before I submit it. :)

This is kind of jumping subjects, but do any of you have wordpress blogs? And if so, have you noticed the format change, and do you like it? I much prefer the old way, the old dashboard and posting format. I suppose we must ‘move with the times’, but I admit it is a little hard for me. And maybe this is a better and improved format and I’m just dragging my feet against change. :)

Also, any Downton Abbey watchers out there? Are you enjoying the new season thus far? It’s been pretty good, I think. I am really enjoying Edith’s story! And so glad that a certain character has come back. :D

I suppose I’ve left you with enough of my ramblings for now! Don’t worry, there shall be more book reviews to come. ;)

I would love to hear from ye all in the comments – what you’ve been up to, what you might be reading or writing, or other hobbies you enjoy…anything and everything! :)

*Image via Pixaby

Posted in Book reviews

Book Review: “Quest for a Beast” by Sarah Holman

Quest for the Beast: A Beauty and the Beast story

“Quest for a Beast” by Sarah Holman

A Beauty and the Beast short story

My rating: 5 out of 5 Stars


About the Book:

Adara thought there would be nothing to do over the summer except read her favorite fairy tale stories. However, she finds herself tagging along with her brother and his friends in a quest to find a criminal known as the Beast. The quest turns out very differently than any of them imagined.
A story of faith, redemption, and happily-ever-after.

My Thoughts:

Sarah Holman writes great fairy-tale retellings. I have loved each one I’ve read thus far, and this is no exception! This is a very unique Beauty and the Beast tale, and very well done. The ‘moral of the story’ was so beautiful and touching, and I just really enjoyed it. The ‘where you treasure is, there your heart will be also’ really got me and made me think. The faith in these books are always strong!
The Beast character I liked right away (not really a surprise for me!), and I really liked Adara, and sweet little Chris.
Bravo to another tale well done, Miss Holman!

Posted in Book reviews, Revell Reads

Revell Book Review: “Thin Ice” by Irene Hannon

{Cover via amazon – click to go to books page.}

Thin Ice by Irene Hannon

Book Two in Men of Valor series

Suspense-romance fiction

Review copy source: Revell Reads

My rating: 2 out of 5 Stars


About the Book:

After losing her parents in a car accident and her sister to a house fire, Christy Reed has been mired in grief. Life is finally starting to feel normal again when an envelope arrives in the mail–addressed in her sister’s handwriting. And the note inside claims she is still alive.

FBI Special Agent Lance McGregor, a former Delta Force operator, is assigned to reopen the case, but he’s coming up with more questions than answers. If Ginny Reed is still alive–who is the woman buried in her grave? Where is Ginny? And is Christy a pawn in a twisted cat-and-mouse game–or the target of a sinister plot? As he digs deeper, one thing becomes clear: whoever is behind the bizarre ruse has a deadly agenda.


My Thoughts:

Suspense fiction isn’t a regular in my literary diet, but it is a nice change once in a while. It’s quite an interesting genre and I do enjoy it occasionally.
The suspense part of this book was done really well and kept me very interested. It was quite the case! I definitely appreciate that part of the book.
However, what gives this book a low rating for me was the romance mainly, and also the lack of faith.
The romance was inappropriate at many places, in my opinion. There were unnecessary comments, and definitions of ‘beauty’ that was out-of-line. Obviously everyone’s definition of beauty is different – and that’s what I appreciate and I just wish that was shown more often in books. But so often books describe ONE type as beautiful and so anyone that does not fit in that ‘model’ category is basically being told that they are not what is considered “beautiful”. That should not be happening in Christian fiction. Especially when beauty comes from God, not even from our physical look.
So yes, I was really disappointed in the romance and cannot recommend it for that reason. They never came right out and said the obvious but it was heavily implied and did not show reverence to purity or waiting.
There was brief mention of God – it was tried for at least. I think it was more of an underlying thought or a subplot than the main theme.
Also, I was saddened by how calloused the book approached a situation of human-trafficking as if there was nothing one could do about it or wanted to do about it. They were the FBI…the man should care.
As I said, the suspense factor was intriguing. I enjoyed that aspect, but the rest caused me not to love this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publishers in exchange for my honest review which I have given.


Posted in Book reviews, God's Lessons, Uncategorized

Book review: “Distorted Glass” by Sarah Holman

Distorted Glass: A Snow Queen Story

“Distorted Glass” a short story by Sarah Holman

A modern fairy-tale retelling

My rating: 5 out of 5 Stars


About the Book:

Sixteen-year-old Jared is sure that this Christmas season is going to be the worst ever for his family. His fifteen-year-old sister, Amber, is scaring their whole family with how little she is eating and her obsession with winning a beauty pageant.

When Jared seeks help from his pastor, he comes up with a plan to help his sister by Christmas. As the days pass and he sees no change in his sister, he wonders if he can reach his goal.

A Christmas short story about faith, family, and unconditional love.


My Thoughts:

This was such a fantastic and impacting little read. Truly inspiring. I love the godly truths and encouragement Miss Holman weaves through each of her books, novels and short stories alike. Absolutely God-glorifying. Though only seven chapters, this tale had me tearing up at the end and really ministered to me. The message of loving others even when it’s hard and it changing us really meant a lot to me.
Jared’s love for his sister was special, and I really appreciated the ending – read for yourselves and find out why! :) Oh and the message on modesty too was also lovely! Such deep meanings in just a short tale.
Beautiful book and I’m so glad to have read it in one sitting!

Posted in lists

Infinity Dreams Award :)

I was so kindly tagged by Shantelle at A Writer’s Heart for this Infinity Dreams Award! Thank you so very much, Shantelle! Shall we begin?


Tell us 11 facts about yourself:
1. I love to read. That is not an unknown fact, but it is a large fact of me. XD I could talk books all day long.
2. I can never get enough journals and notebooks. Ever. My stash keeps growing faster than I can use them, and I am completely okay with that.
3. The cold is my friend. I could live where it’s winter just about all year long, just fine. I love snow and I love looooong winters!
4. I have tea almost every morning in the winter.
5. I write my stories by hand in notebooks. Gives me a better “connection” and makes it easier for me to hear God as I write.
6. I will dance to any TobyMac song. Anytime. Anyplace.
7. Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to be a writer – preferably for a newspaper. At least the writing part came true. :D
8. I love knives, swords, blades…and have a nice collection. :)
9. Cosplay is an interesting thing that interests me. But I am too unskilled (and unrich…) to perfect one.
10. I like to keep my books in pristine condition. Bent covers upset me… XD
11. I enjoy journaling my thoughts and feelings and sure hope no one ever reads them.


Answer the questions.


How many books do you hope to read this year? Somewhere around 70 would please me. :)

What’s your favorite song? Right now? Probably “Feel it” by TobyMac from his album “This is Not a Test”

What’s your least favorite holiday? Halloween. It is a very dark holiday where Satan is glorified. Very sad.

Why do you blog? I’d like to say I have this grandeur purpose, but to be honest…it’s mostly to record my book reviews. And maybe create a platform for when I become published. :) I enjoy sharing heartfelt posts once in a while, though I wish I did that more.

Favorite dessert? Hmmm…so many! :D Pumpkin pie and Cherry Cheesecake are two of my very favourites!

One movie coming out in 2016 you want to watch? “Caged No More” – it’s about Human-Trafficking.

Some books set for 2016 releases you want to read? This list could be very, very long…. SOME are: “Land of Silence” by Tessa Afshar (!!!!!!!!!!!!), “Courageous” by Dina Sleiman, “Miriam” by Mesu Andrews, I’m hoping Jaye L. Knight’s next book might come out this year, “Anchor in the Storm” by Sarah Sundin, and that’s all I’ll say for now. I’m thinking on compiling a post of just this subject :D

What historical era intrigues you most? Probably medieval times…or the 40’s. Both of those time periods fascinate me. :)

Where would you love to visit? A million and one places! Pennsylvania (for a specific reason…), Ireland/N.Ireland, Italy, Russia, India, Iceland, Greenland, Norway, Scotland…other places…

Some of your favorite blogs? Hard question! I won’t be able to list them all! I enjoy A Writer’s Heart, However Improbable, A Brighter Destiny, Happily Indie After, Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections, and more!

What things inspire you to write/blog? To write…God is my main Inspire-er. Pinterest lends a hand too. :) For blogging…um, random things I guess!  :)


Thanks again for tagging me, Shantelle!

These are the rules for this tag:

  • Use the Infinity Dreams Award picture
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions
  • Tag 11 bloggers

And I’m going to actually break one of these rules and not officially tag anyone. I tag anyone and everyone who wants to do it, and you may answer the same questions given to me. Here they are for easy copy:


How many books do you hope to read this year?

What’s your favorite song?

What’s your least favorite holiday?

Why do you blog?

Favorite dessert?

One movie coming out in 2016 you want to watch?

Some books set for 2016 releases you want to read?

What historical era intrigues you most?

Where would you love to visit?

Some of your favorite blogs?

What things inspire you to write/blog?


If you do decide to do this tag, please let me know so I can read your answers too!

Posted in Blogging For Books, Book reviews

Blogging For Books Book Review: “A Refuge at Highland Hall” by Carrie Turansky

Happy 2016 readers! I’m sorry I haven’t written an official post to welcome the new year – it’s been quite busy, and now I am trying to catch up on some reading and reviewing! So yes, 2016 should definitely hold more book reviews from this blog! Hopefully some “normal” posts too. :) I hope your year is blessed!


“A Refuge at Highland Hall” by Carrie Turansky

Book Three in The Edwardian Brides series

Review copy source: Blogging for Books

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars


About the Book:

In this third and final book in the Edwardian Brides Series, you’ll be swept away to England and France in 1915 as the Ramsey family and their staff and friends face the dramatic challenges and losses of World War One, yet they also experience the hope and triumph that comes as they put their trust in God to carry them through. Penny Ramsey helps the family welcome a group of orphaned children to Highland Hall, but she soon discovers caring for them is more difficult than she’d expected. She writes to Alex Goodwin, a daring British pilot, who chases German zeppelins across the sky over the Front Line in France, and longs for the day she will see him again. You’ll be delighted by two pure and heartwarming romances: Penny and Alex, and Lydia Chambers and Marius Ritter, a lady’s maid and a prisoner of war. But most of all I hope you’ll be inspired by the characters’ examples of trusting God through the trials they face.
Fans of “Downton Abbey” will find many of the same elements in this series: A wealthy, aristocratic family living on a large English country estate with romance, conflicts, and family drama; and loyal servants with troubles and heartaches of their own.

My Thoughts:

This was a very light, good, clean read. Very much like Downton Abbey, only without the scenes you have to skip so that’s nice! The Christian theme through this book was good and pretty strong. If you like English, Downton Abbey-like books or WWI books, you should definitely give this series a try. :)
Penny and Alex’s story was my favourite. I know I haven’t read the first book of this trilogy, but out of each of the characters shown, Penny and Alex were most positively my favourite. I could easily relate to Penny, and Alex…well he was dashing. :) This story took place during WWI and it was very fascinating.
I did not care for Lydia’s story pretty much at all…I didn’t care for hers in the 2nd book either, and was a little dismayed to find it was continued in this book too. That’s not to say that nobody else will like it – I’m sure it is a favourite among many. It just wasn’t for me.
It was for that fact and the fact that Kate got on my nerves that I am giving this book a lower rating. I will be honest: I was really hoping and expecting for this book to be solely about Penny and Alex, but it was not – the other stories seemed almost more strong, and so that made it hard for me to really love this book.
But for the side of the story I did like, it was excellent Penny and Alex are great characters, and I loved watching their story unfold! They were an exceptionally sweet and strong couple, and I would’ve loved to have seen more of their story!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review, which I have given.