Posted in animals, Give-aways, Reviews, Up North, update

Something to look forward to.

That sentence actually gives excitement, doesn’t it? :)
I wanted to give a little up-date here…Sometime soon, I shall have a product review to share with you all, and not only that but also my first…give-away! So that’s super exciting!! Something to look forward to, indeed. I think ye will like the give-away too. It’s a good ‘un.

We went to the MN zoo on Monday. That was so fun, and I did get some good pictures. I would like to share them, but I don’t know where that camera is… :D
Lots of fun animals there. I looooovvved the cows. We got to watch them milk one (it is a one parlor milking station; not by hand) and the guy explained everything; it was really great and interesting. I love cows. :)
Oh, and I got to wear Elias in a wrap for a little while too, which was really neat. (It’s called baby-wearing – you wrap the baby/toddler on your front, back or side, with the wrap which is a long piece of woven fabric, and it holds the baby securely without using you arms or anything. It’s amazing.)

We are going up north soon, so that’s exciting. We’re going to pick out a kitten to bring home for inside. For Noah =) Lots of fun!

God brought me through some things yesterday while praying and it was amazing and so good. He even used the book I am reading in parallel. It was so neat. I’m still working through a few things, but He is a great God! My Abba Father.

Okay, so look forward to a review and give-away soon!!