Posted in Questions/answers, Random babblings

I was awarded with The Liebster Award

Indeed! I was quite excited to receive an email from Shantelle at A Writer’s Heart  letting me know that she had awarded me. :) So, why not get started?

The Rules:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 new questions.
3. Nominate other bloggers (however many or few as you’d 
4. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominated.
5. Notify the new nominees of their award.
Questions Given to me to Answer:

1) What is the driving passion of your life?

My Lord and Savior. Truly, He is for whom I think and breath. It is by Him that I am. You know that verse, “Apart from Me you can do nothing”? I have found that completely and utterly true in my life. Over and over, Jesus has shown me – ever so gently no less – how much I need Him, and how He is always, always, always carying me as His sheep. He is my comfort, my grace, my Redeemer. And He is my driving passion.

2) Can you name a favorite character from a movie you’ve seen recently?

Just one? ;) Characters are my favourite. But let’s see…from a movie I’ve seen recently…We watched “Sense and Sensibility” (2008) and favourite character from that is Elinor Dashwood.

3) What’s one book (or chapter, verse, whatever…) of the Bible that has particularly touched you and why?

Ezekial 34:11-17 has really rooted itself deeply in my heart. Why? Because it ministers to me where He has me right now. I am His sheep/lamb and He is my Shepherd and He will never forsake me. I cling to that. :)

For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel. I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God. I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.” – Ez. 34:11-17

4) How tall are you? *smiles*

Haha, um…Five Feet, Two and a half inches.

5) What’s one thing a book needs to have in order to make it a favorite for you?

Faith. Strongly God centered and teaching, yet not in a condemning way. I really, really love and thrive on Godly fiction!

6) How did you start and what’s your favorite thing about blogging?

I started blogging back when I was like…10/11 when I joined HomeschoolBlogger. It was just fun then. I don’t think I had a particular reason! My favourite thing about blogging now is connecting with others, and sharing my love of books. :D

7) What’s something exciting that has happened in your life recently?

Getting closer to my book being published. :)

8) Why do you write (blogs, books, whatever)?

Books: because writing is in me. It’s in me blood, one could say. :D I write because I love it, and because I hope to reach out to others and show God’s healing as He has shown me.

9) Can you describe (or find a picture of) a different-era outfit that you’d love to wear?

Oooh, you don’t want to get me started!! I have two boards on Pinterest devoted to my favourite outfits from other era’s! I will try my best to just keep it down to ONE though. ;)

That is just beautiful.

I love draping sleeves…*sigh* But at the same time, I love this kinda thing:

SCA Garb Norse Viking Medieval Gown 2 Piece by camelots0closet, $62.00

I’d wear both styles all the time if I could!

10) Favorite songs?

“Worn”, “No Man is an Island”, “On and On” and SO many others of Tenth Avenue North’s, and many, many, many songs of TobyMac’s. I’m also enjoying “Drops in the Ocean” by Hawk Nelson, and “Soul on Fire” by Third Day.

11) Any advice for your fellow Christian bloggers/writers?

Focus on God only. In all you do, but also in your writing, whatever kind that may be. Everything we do is for Him, and He will guide us along His narrow path. Don’t focus on wordcounts, pages, or popularity, just keep your eyes on our Savior! He will do the rest. :)


11 New Questions:

1) What is the driving passion of your life?

2) Do you have a (few) favourite books? If so what are they?

3) Characters. How do you feel about them? Do you write them, or enjoy them from ‘afar’ (reading, movies, etc. Which really isn’t from ‘afar’. One can get really attached to characters…like I do!)?

4) How do you like to spend your free time?

5) What got you blogging in the first place?

6) Are you a tea drinker or a coffee drinker?

7) How many novels/stories have you written (unpublished, or published)?

8) Favourite animal?

9) Do you have a favourite Fairy Tale?

10) How about a favourite book of the Bible?

11) What are some of your hobbies, in addition to writing? :)


And I award/tag:

Faith Blum

Jack Lewis Baillot

Sarah Holman

Alicia G. Ruggieri

Heather FitzGerald

If any of you have already been awarded, then don’t worry. :) I look forward to reading your answers to the questions, though, if you have time to answer them!

Thank you, Shantelle, for awarding me! I’ve enjoyed it. :)


I am a peculiar treasure who is passionately in love with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love writing, reading, knife/tomahawk-throwing, and letter-writing, among other things. :)

14 thoughts on “I was awarded with The Liebster Award

  1. This is really cool. I loved all your answers Rae! They’re so honest. :) and that dress with the draped sleeves is amazing! How do you find the things on pinterest? You have so many good character pictures as well. What do you search to find them? :) #curiouscat

    1. Thanks so much, Jazz! Haha, well, I don’t actually search for anything to find these pins -I just follow people. Most often, the way I find these pins from people is when I get email notifications of people who have pinned mine, and then I go to their boards. :D

  2. Lovely post!! :)

    Ooh, I enjoyed Sense and Sensibility, and also liked Elinor Dashwood the best! :)

    And I’m so with you about my favorite books have a strong Christian theme! A deep faith in stories totally makes the book for me! :) <3 So true.

    Pretty dresses!! I keep a Pinterest board like that too! :D

    And so love your answer for why you write!! It's in my blood… :D Yep!!

    Again, so enjoyable to read your post! I wish I could write longer comments to all the Liebster Award posts, but I'm feeling like I have lots to do at the present! O.O

    Blessings! :)

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Shantelle! Don’t worry about how long or short a comment – I appreciate you taking the time to comment at all, truly! :)
      Thanks for awarding me, and I’m glad you enjoyed my answers to the questions! :)

      1. Aww, okay, wonderful!! :)

        Your welcome! :D Oh, and I forgot to say… SO exciting about getting closer to publishing your book!!! Isn’t that the most exciting feeling??!! ^__^ Blessings on that! :)

        1. :) Thanks! Yes, it is!! Publishing has been a dream for a very, very long time, and I’m soexcited for it to actually be within reach.:)

  3. So cool you got this award, Rae! :D I loved reading all your answers! Oh and I LOVE Hawk Nelson’s “Drops in the Ocean”! :D And yaay for getting closer to publishing!! I’m thrilled for you!! :) <3

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Kenzie, and being excited with me!! I cannot wait for you to be published finally too – soon!!! :) (And yes – such a good song!) :D <3

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